Orthodontics LA

Traveling with Invisalign

Posted on February 13, 2019

Going on a trip? Besides getting your bags packed and checking if you have the right documents, it’s also important to make sure your dental hygiene is on point throughout your travels, especially if you have Invisalign! It’s easy to get caught up in a new city and forget to wear your trays. Many of our patients struggle with this problem and even lose their trays in the hubbub. To avoid that, our orthodontists are sharing how they help patients stay on track with their orthodontic treatment even when they’re visiting new places. Check them out below!

Make an Orthodontic Appointment

Schedule an appointment with your orthodontist before your trip, so they can examine the progress of your Invisalign treatment one last time before you jet off. Your Invisalign provider can help make sure your trays are working properly for the trip and equip you with a few extra sets just in case you lose yours on your way. It’s a good idea to bring your previous set, current set, and future set just in case your teeth move during your trip. If your trip is any longer than a week, you’ll definitely want to check with your orthodontist to make sure you’ve got everything you need to stay on course with your treatment plan. At Orthodontics LA in Encino, we’ll make sure to give you the tips and supplies to make your trip a success when it comes to dental hygiene.

Pack Dental Supplies

Before you get going, make sure you’ve got everything you need on your packing list. Double check or triple check because it can be a huge inconvenience to try to get what you need in a new city with potentially a different language. For Invisalign in particular, bring the following:

  • Invisalign case
  • Toothbrush
  • Floss
  • Invisalign cleaning solution
  • Invisalign trays!
  • Portable case for your toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Mouthwash (optional)

These are dental hygiene necessities that will help clean your teeth and clear aligners. It’s super easy for particles of food or drinks to get stuck underneath the trays, resulting in the perfect environment for plaque, tooth decay, and cavities. With the right tools, you’ll be able to keep your mouth clean, so you won’t be distracted by any annoying, painful toothaches.

Keep Track of Your Aligners

The more you wear your retainers, the more effective and efficient your treatment process will be. This rule definitely applies even if you’re traveling. We know it can be easy to forget to put those trays on or keep them clean while you’re exploring new places, but it’s essential to getting successful results in the long run. Here are a few tips for keeping track of your Invisalign trays:

  • Store those aligners properly – It’s way too easy to forget them in a napkin or on a plate, then end up tossing them away! Unless you want to spend an hour digging in the trash for your aligners, we suggest always putting them in their designated container.
  • Eat at the same time every day – Your schedule might be a little wonky, but try to eat and brush your teeth at the same time every day. Creating a routine of cleaning and wearing your trays on at the same each day will help you develop a habit of putting on your retainers right after you eat.
  • Avoid sipping on beverages except during meals: It could take an 30 minutes or longer to finish a coffee or beer if you’re casually sipping on it. That’s valuable time that could be used straightening your teeth! If you must have a beverage, try to incorporate during your meal when your aligners are off anyway.
  • Bring a special bag to hold your aligners: Most likely, they won’t fit in your pocket and even if they do, you may forget them in your clothes! Instead, have a designated bag or satchel with a compartment for your clear aligners.
  • Use a tracking app: If you’re a tech junkie, using a tracking app may motivate you to take care of your Invisalign trays. There are plenty of apps you can use to log how many hours you’ve been wearing your trays. You can also place a GPS tracking device on your retainer case and hook it up to your app if you’re afraid you could lose it in baggage.

Traveling shouldn’t set you back on your orthodontic treatment plan! At Orthodontics LA, we love adventure and our orthodontists especially enjoy planning trips around the world when they aren’t working with patients. However, they understand the responsibility of Invisalign doesn’t get left behind once they board the plane. If you have any questions or need to schedule an appointment with one of orthodontic specialists, give us a call at Orthodontics LA in Encino!