Orthodontics LA

How to Help Ease Orthodontic Anxiety

Posted on March 14, 2022

Orthodontics LA - How to Help Ease Orthodontic Anxiety

Are you afraid of going to the orthodontist? If so, you are not alone. Many people have a difficult time seeing dentists and orthodontic professionals. Fortunately, there are things that you can do to make the process easier. There are about 4 million people in the United States currently wearing braces to fix their smiles. While about 75% of braces wearers are below the age of 18, orthodontic anxiety can happen regardless of how old you are. Here are some of the things you can do to make your trip to the orthodontist more comfortable.


Meditation is one of the most common techniques used to reduce stress and boost calmness. This method involves a state of heightened awareness in which you focus on relaxing your muscles. The good thing about meditation is that it can essentially be done anywhere. While in the waiting room, you can either close your eyes or focus them on a single object. After that, work on allowing your body to totally relax. Keep in mind that meditation is not a passive process. This means that you must make a conscious effort to release tension, so you can get your affordable clear braces in a more relaxed state.


Another way to relieve anxiety and overcome a dental phobia is to distract yourself. There are several ways to do this. For instance, you can watch a movie on your phone while you are waiting for your appointment to help get your mind off your fears. You can also bring headphones and listen to music or a podcast. Pretty much anything you do on your smartphone can act as a distraction.

Bring a Loved One

Being alone at the orthodontist’s office may not be such a good idea if you struggle with dental anxiety. A good way to calm your mind would be to bring a friend or loved one to accompany you. You should first talk to your orthodontist and find out if it would be okay for you to bring someone with you.

If you suffer from anxiety when visiting the dentist or orthodontist, don’t be afraid to communicate your fears to your orthodontist. If they know you are struggling, they can try to do things during your appointment to alleviate the stress. For instance, they can try to explain the process of getting affordable clear braces to you ahead of time, so you know what to expect. You should never hesitate to ask questions as, if you fully understand what’s happening, you’ll likely feel less anxious. Reach out to the friendly team at Orthodontics LA, today for a stress-free appointment!